Surface Mount MLCCs 10 - 200 VDC
This specific product line is not for new designs. It will be phased out in 2022. There is an opportunity for our customers to place a lifetime buy by July 1, 2022. In some cases, we have agreements to continue supporting specific products. View the EOL notification.
For new designs, visit: High Reliability North America Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors
Johanson offers a wide range of standard surface mount ceramic chip capacitors in NP0, X7R, X5R dielectrics rated from 10 to 200 VDC. These MLCs have barrier terminations and come in tape and reel packaging.
General Specifications:
- Case Sizes: 0201 - 1812
- Rated Voltage: 10, 16, 25, 50, 100, 200 V
- Dielectrics Type: NP0, X7R, X5R
- Capacitance Range: 0.5 pF - 0.33 µF*
Capacitance Values

Electrical Specifications

Note: * Capacitance values from 0.47 µF - 100 µF may be found in the Tanceram product section. For voltage ratings above 200 VDC see High Voltage, Safety Certified, Tip & Ring, and Special Size product listings.
How to Order
Valid options are shown except for Capacitance
A typical PN is TDCF100W101K1GV001T. This part number breaks down as follows:
Capacitors Surface Mount < 201V, 0402, X7R, 10.0V, 1,000.00pF±10%, Ni/Sn (RoHS), 7" Reel Paper Tape
New Johanson Global Part Number Breakdown
* Not all combinations create valid part numbers, ask our Apps Engineering Team for assistance creating a valid part number Request for assistanceClick below to see the new Global Part Number Reference Chart for this product
The legacy info below is for reference only.
Johanson has instituted a new Global Part Numbering (GPN) system.
Only the part number is changing. The parts are produced with the exact same materials, manufacturing processes, manufacturing controls, dimensions, physical attributes and testing as the parts supplied with the legacy part numbers.
The GPNs will be phased in over the next several years and are planned to be completed by January 1, 2026.
We will continue to quote and accept orders with the current (legacy) part numbers throughout this period.
Beginning January 1, 2022, all samples will be provided with the GPN.
Updates associated with this change will occur periodically.
A database for the approximate 2 million crosses can be accessed at: